Monday, February 4, 2008


Saturday, 8.1 miles in 1:04
Sunday, 9.6 miles in 1:22

Both of my runs this weekend were programmed to include a stop by the
lab. Saturday was to move a Petri dish from the incubator to the
fridge, and Sunday to pick a few bacterial colonies from that dish to
grow overnight. So these runs were productive from at least two angles.

There was a third angle, as well. Silas hasn't been sleeping well, and
didn't even nap on Saturday. When Sunday was not looking any better, I
decided that the time was right to take my overtired boy out in the
stroller to see what happened. He hasn't been running with me much
lately, both because of inclement weather and because he often just has
better things to do. But yesterday, he agreeably got in the stroller,
and was unconscious within 12 minutes.

Had I been in the mood, I could have turned this into a long run, but my
right hamstring had been a little bit sore from Thursday's run, and I felt
like a 30-mile week was sufficient right now anyway. After the lab, I
headed down the hill to try to catch Christine on her way home from
yoga. We met up just as Silas was stirring, and all walked to the Berkeley
Bowl for some groceries.

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